FREE PRINTABLE: Family Chore Charts

Happy Wednesday! We got a lot of requests for the chore charts I showed on Instagram – so here you go! A free download that you can use for your family.

But first, a little overview of how we’ve been using them successfully in my home…

Each child has their own, personalized Daily Chore Chart. In the version I’ve provided, you can write your child’s name on the top-right of the paper and then list the chores along the left-hand side.

Here’s How We Use the Daily Chore Chart

Each morning, my kids have 3 chores to do before school or tv/play on the weekends. Those are:

  1. Make Bed
  2. Brush Teeth
  3. a little task around the house

These are things that each child is responsible for in the morning and something that I feel like they can do successfully. We hang these charts on the wall outside of their bedrooms so they can check them off throughout the week. (And they find SO MUCH satisfaction out of crossing off the days!)

Daily Chore Charts
The Daily Chore Chart, customized for each child.
The Mom Voice Chore Chart
The first chore each child is asked to do each day is make their bed!
The Mom Voice Chore Chart
Sarah’s 6 year old boy has taken to it the most

The Family Chore Chart is used to do family chores around the house… or chose that we all benefit from. I rotate these out from week to week depending on the needs of our home. Some of my common house chores are:

  • Unloading the dishwasher
  • Loading the dishwasher
  • Checking the mail
  • Taking out the trash
  • Checking the dog’s food/water
  • Walking the dog
  • Vacuuming the family room

(Just to name a few!)

A Couple More Tips:

So, feel free to download these and use them for your family! They’re pretty flexible and can be used for a variety of ages. xo – Sarah

Download & Save the FAMILY CHORE CHART: Click Here

Download & Save the DAILY CHORE CHART: Click Here